A little ombre love <3

9 May

I’m sorry to inform all of you but I’ve decided to write 4 days a week instead of every day. I know it’s kind of annoying but I feel like I can write better and write about things that people really are looking for and can find useful. But this is actually really great because I can focus more on the topics I have and make them even more useful and an “ah ha!” moment for y’all!

Alright, I want to tell you about my absolute favourite trend in the entire world, ever! Can you tell how much I love it!

Ombre is the name of this trend and you’ve definitely seen it before in the celebrity world. It can be seen in hair, nails and clothing and it gives whatever it is a bit of an edge and makes it look more unique. This look starts as a dark colour and fades to a light colour.

I’d say to start, try this trend on nails, it looks pretty awesome when it comes together and it’s totally different. Start with a dark colour and use a lighter tone of the colour to get this look. You’ll need 5 different shades of the same colour to pull it off. You’re looking for something like this (btw this one is totally cute).

If you want to try this trend in clothes it’s also really pretty. I picked up this boatneck tee from Joe Fresh (one of my FAVOURITE places to shop) for $14. It looks a lot prettier in person but you get the idea.

If you are a DIYer, try this. Honestlywtf has a great way to transform your old denim shorts. They are super cute. Check out the link, this is something you can create! http://honestlywtf.com/diy/ombre-denim-diy/

Last but not least, the hair! It’s definitely something a bit more drastic but honestly, it’s just hair, meaning you can dye it again if you really hate it. There are many different types of ombre as well. If you love the trend but don’t want to be seen as the girl with two colours in her hair, try a more understated fade. If you have blonde hair this will work best as you won’t have to go too light on the tips if you don’t want to. Try a look like Lauren Conrad’s or Rachel Bilson’s. Rachel’s fade is a lot more brassy but still really classy, Lauren is a California girl and pulls of the ombre really well. Lauren’s is a bit more dramatic but that’s the trend anyway so just go for it!

This is the look that I love. I’m a big believer in just doing it and I especially like to experiment with my hair. I’ve had ombre similar to Rachel Bilson’s but I wasn’t a fan of how orange it looked on me. I also have it a bit now (I had to cut my hair) and it’s a bit blonder. I’m going for Drew Barrymore’s look as I am a big fan of the contrast in the colours but I still think it looks really pretty. I have a very feminine style so I think that I can contrast some of her grunge with my girly style.

Would you try this trend? Have you tried it? Love it or hate it?


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